Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dear Suzanne Wright...

Please don't speak for me. For us. My son isn't missing. He's right here. And he's old enough & smart enough to read your words. And what will he take from them? For people struggling to understand Autism you just unraveled years of hard work. The words you chose & the issues you hand picked to address are not the majority. Autism is a spectrum. It's not a one size fits all shoe you can parade around to get more money. I don't need you to tell my son that he's a burden and one day where will he go if I cannot take care of him.  How dare you. You had so many more words to use & things to say about Autism. Why did you pick the worst?

I'm not claiming Autism is a shiny happy place. But I wouldn't trade it, or my son for your version of normal any day. I've spent my son's whole life trying to get other people to understand him. To understand Autism. It's not some tragic thing. I know families that need help but if you think marching in Washington is the best way to get that're not very smart. The very 1st thing I did when Reid was diagnosed was STOP listening to people like you. "He will never, you will never, he can't..he won't." We should be telling people to not wait for anyone or anything to help their child.

You just used the worst days of our story as a scare tactic  You used our fear in that horrible moment we were told our son had Autism as a platform for your ignorance. You can't use a single bad moment to describe a life. My son is not your Autism puppet to use.  I think the government is exactly where you belong. But not outside. You belong  in there, with them.

If Autism could speak I wonder what it would say to you today?

For those wondering who Suzanne Wright is & what she said:

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