Monday, June 13, 2011

What's the point?

There are several reasons why I thought of starting a blog exclusively devoted to Asperger. Of course having an Aspie is important. Also, I get questions almost daily about Asperger's, Reid, this child, that child, what is it, what's normal, etc. The number one reason though, is because we navigated these waters solo several years ago. We started from scratch. Autism was just beginning to become a well known topic & Asperger was it's long lost relative no one knew about. Once I was even accused of making it up to allow my son to act like a "brat". Fast forward years later & it's a common term but many people still have no clue what it is. So my first post is to give the definition. **Keep in mind that living up to it's name as a spectrum disorder, degrees of behavior & issues will vary greatly.**

Asperger's Syndrome:
Dr Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician, originally described Asperger’s Syndrome in 1944. Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to socialize and communicate effectively with others. Children with Asperger's syndrome typically exhibit social awkwardness and an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. The disorder can also include motor clumsiness and problems with handwriting and being hypersensitive to specific auditory and tactile experiences.

So that's just a basic definition. It's such a complex syndrome & has many, many layers. Each one peeling back to reveal awesome, incredibly smart, authentic people that want & deserve understanding. If you're ever lucky enough to have an Aspie in your life, you're definitely in for some surprises. But the rewards & glimpses of genius you'll see far outweigh the hardships. They really are a group of fascinating individuals.

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